ALPHA Consult has a strong space applications expertise, and has managed several projects in the GNSS/ Earth Observation domains for key European institutions and leading private firms. Given the highly specialized features of this sector, project delivery is based on a deep understanding of the specific market drivers thanks to a considerable experience in the addressed segments. A list of most recent projects in managed for key European institutions and leading private firms either directly by ALPHA Consult or by its partners is provided below:
Market analysis/ Strategy definition
- Formulation of a national Copernicus Capacity Support Action Programme for the Philippines
- Multiple Framework Service Contract with reopening of competition - Ecosystem Support for Copernicus and the EU space policy - Lot 1 – Support to users and Lot 3- Support to start-ups and businesses
- Provision of specialised support to GSA’s market development in the areas of mass market and professioanl applications
- E-GNSS user segment and market development (incl. market assessment of several Galileo applications related to e.g. LBS, road, authentication)
- Definition of the European GNSS strategy: GNSS market sizes and trends, mapping of the European competitive environment, risks and opportunities for Galileo and definition of a GNSS strategic plan
- Framework contract for the provision of legal, technical and organisational support for the EC’s activities on GNSS Applications
- Framework contract for activities in support to international cooperation on satellite navigation
Detailed market surveys/ Go-to market strategies
- Management of the Copernicus Support Office
- EGNOS market entry strategy design: identify EGNOS value by segment, prioritise key segment and identify actions to enter into each segment with a detailed entry action plan and implementation plan by segment
- EGNOS market entry strategy implementation: implementation of the EGNOS entry action plan in key segments (Aviation, Road, High Precision)
- Support in the EGNOS market surveys and go-to-market strategies in road, rail and river in Europe
Cost Benefit Analyses (CBA)
- Agriculture development in Africa leveraging satellite-based technologies (EO and GNSS)
- Copernicus use cases evaluation in the emergency domain
- Economic benefit of satellite systems integration (meteo, positioning and earth observation) for the wineyard industr
- EGNOS CBAs in Europe in the aviation domain for key stakeholders (CA, GA, ANSPs/ Airports, states, all Europe)
- Update of the CBA for the EGNOS expansion into Africa (ISA, Inter-regional SBAS for AFI) in the aviation segment and in other segments (e.g., rail, maritime, surveying)
- Support in the CBA preparation for EGNOS-based applications in the aviation domain in Africa and Middle East
- GNSS CBA in the road segment for selected regional and countrywide RUC schemes as compared to alternative tolling technologies (e.g. vignette, DSRC)
- CBA to evaluate EGNOS value added in the road segment for Tracking & Tracing and for road tolling applications
- EGNOS CBA in agriculture versus alternative technologies for different types and sizes of cultivations in Europe and in Africa
R&D Projects
- SAFERS: Structured Approaches for Forest fire Emergencies in Resilient Societies (H2020)
- VISCA: Vineyards Integrated Smart Climate Application (H2020)
- I-REACT: Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies (H2020)
- EASY Pv: EGNSS high Accuracy SYstem improving PhotoVoltaic plants maintenance (H2020)
- AUDITOR: Advanced Multi-Constellation EGNSS Augmentation and Monitoring Network and its Application in Precision Agriculture (H2020)
- GHOST: Galileo EnHancement as BoOster of the Smart CiTies (H2020)
- TRITON: TRusted vessel Information from Trusted On‐board iNstrumentation (FP7)
- FLOODIS: Integrating GMES Emergency Services with satellite navigation and communication for establishing a flood information service (FP7)
- SATSA: SBAS Awareness and Training in South Africa (FP7)
- SIRAJ, SBAS Implementation in the regions ACAC and ASECNA (FP7)
- SCUTUM, SeCUring the EU GNSS adopTion in the dangeroUs Material transport (FP7)
Other activities
- Expert’s support for the evaluation of FP7 calls for tenders
- Support to EC in events with key African stakeholders
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